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Sound Arts

Musical Arts Career

«We conceive a world where sound and silence are an integral part of life, our program forms innovative artists, capable of investigating and creating alternatives for the development of the interdisciplinary arts of the country, not being a school focused solely on jazz and music. Students acquire a theoretical-practical knowledge based on the research and interpretation of the legacy that Ecuadorian, Latin American and world music can bring.»

Andrey Astaiza
Director: Faculty of Sound Arts

The Musical Arts Career of the University of the Arts offers a program of excellence and high professional level for the development of musical thought, training in sensitivity, artistic creation and the construction of evaluative criteria of the music of the country and the world, from a pluri-cultural, multi-ethnic and universal perspective.

Its mission transcends the traditional framework of academic education by providing a comprehensive panorama of artistic-musical competencies that affects a contemporary professional practice that requires a high level of cognitive and adequate techniques in interpretation, creation, teaching and musical production.


The graduates of the UArtes Musical Arts Career will be able to insert themselves in various work scenarios related to this field, as managers and originators of creative autonomous or professional enterprises of music creation and execution, researchers and critics in periodical publications specialized in musical and sound arts, in institutes of higher education, regional and international organizations, NGOs and foundations, as well as creators and coordinators of music for film, visual and performing arts soundtracks.

In this way, future professionals can perform functions related to artistic production and musical interpretation, as well as the preparation, direction, coordination and participation in projects and research related to Musical and Sound Art; they will be able to collaborate and participate in projects and musical productions at a national and international level, providing support and advice in interdisciplinary musical areas such as lighting, set design, sound, etc., for the conceptualization and performance of shows. Finally, graduates will be able to organize festivals, events and agendas in the field of cultural and musical creation and dissemination.

Musical Production

«This is a space where imagining the encounter of the sonorous and acoustic phenomenon becomes possible. Through communication, technologies, technical supports and proper modes of production, graduates can master the multidisciplinary field by welcoming key practices for the development of multimedia processes. The main objective has the double vision of analyzing and designing the sound exercise as an interdisciplinary creative proposal as well as mastering new technologies applied to the context of sound.»

Norberto Bayo
Professor: Faculty of Music


Graduates of the UArtes Musical Production career will be able to insert themselves in various work scenarios related to this field, as managers and facilitators of creative autonomous or professional creation and music production companies, researchers and critics in periodical publications specialized in musical and sound arts, collaborators in institutes of higher education, regional and international organizations, NGOs or foundations, as well as creators and specialists in sound production for film and performing arts, sound designs and innovation and live sound.

In this way, future professionals can perform functions related to artistic and musical production, as well as the development, direction, coordination and participation in projects and research related to the musical and sound art. They will also be able to collaborate and participate in projects and musical productions at a national and international level, providing support and advice in interdisciplinary musical areas such as lighting, set design, sound, etc. for the conceptualization and performance of shows. Finally, graduates will be able to record, mix and master records, produce music for films, organize festivals, events and agendas in the field of cultural and musical creation and dissemination.

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